Who we are

Our Church Council

Back Row: Rev’d Jonathan Surridge (RECTOR), Jesus Brito (Head Server), Rev’d Caroline Brown (Deacon), Liz Gray (Church Warden and Safeguarding), Chris Gray (Organist), Delroy Davis (Church Warden), Cathryn Parsons (Admin and Outreach), Hannah Walkom (Pastoral)
Front Row: Anita Fogarty (Secretary and IT), Denise Johnson, Euan Johnson, Dian (stepped down), Geraldine Robbins, Jennifer Hillhouse (private hire), Cynthia Simon (Deanery Synod)

Our Ministry Team

Rev’d Jonathan Surridge
Jonathan joined us in 2016 and leads our worship, Church Council and the development and teaching in the church and church community.

Cathryn Parsons
Our Neighbours
Cathryn, as well as looking after all our administration, looks after much of our outreach including the Saturday Feed and links with other charities and groups, plus work with Near Neighbours. Cathryn is also a Worship Verger.

Rev’d Caroline Brown
Caroline is our Distinctive Deacon, assisting the church and our Rector in leading worship and teaching, and assisting in the Parish.

Liz Gray & Delroy Davis
Church Wardens
Liz and Delroy are our Church Wardens, responsible for the building, ensuring worship takes place and the welfare of the Rector. Liz is also Head of Safeguarding and a Worship Verger.

Jesus Brito
Head Server
Jesus is the Head Server – responsible for the altar and sacristy and the operation of this part of the church during worship and when the church is open.

Cynthia Simon
Cynthia is on the Church Executive and is also the Deanery Synod Representative.
She is also a Worship Verger.

Pastoral Support

PCC Members can access some files and forms here (please note, you need to be logged in to access some of these files and folders).